1.   This proctitis is a gluten driven phenomenon, therefore, and not the result of idiopathic inflammation or, in other words, distal inflammatory bowel disease.

2.   The high amplitude contractions travel over relatively long segments of the colon and appear consecutively in the more distal bowel, suggesting that this activity is coordinated and propulsive.

3.   Distal small bowel lesions may also be shown by reflux at barium enema or by entering the terminal ileum at colonoscopy.

4.   For the distal bowel, there is strong evidence for the protective effect of adenoma removal in the prevention of fatal colorectal cancer.

a. + bowel >>共 89
inflammatory 30.19%
small 15.93%
irritable 15.51%
large 5.66%
normal 2.73%
active 1.47%
non-inflammatory 1.26%
proximal 1.05%
telescoped 1.05%
distal 0.84%
distal + n. >>共 38
edge 18.18%
colon 11.36%
oesophagus 11.36%
end 5.68%
bowel 4.55%
splenorenal 3.41%
arm 2.27%
direction 2.27%
disease 2.27%
colitis 2.27%
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