1.   Add dissolved cornstarch to milk.

2.   Add eggs, vanilla, salt and dissolved cornstarch.

3.   Add the dissolved cornstarch and remaining cream to the saucepan with the shells.

4.   When liquid boils, stir in dissolved cornstarch to thicken the sauce.

a. + cornstarch >>共 8
dissolved 26.67%
remaining 20.00%
little 13.33%
together 13.33%
dry 6.67%
excess 6.67%
hot 6.67%
powdered 6.67%
dissolved + n. >>共 56
oxygen 16.15%
parliament 9.23%
gelatin 3.85%
yeast 3.85%
metal 3.85%
cornstarch 3.08%
house 3.08%
executive 3.08%
assembly 2.31%
substance 2.31%
每页显示:    共 4