1.   I wish to tackle three major issues which have influenced this changing philosophy and relate it directly to disruptive pupils.

2.   It seems appropriate therefore that disruptive pupils have full access to the curriculum which requires that schools acknowledge this in their planning.

3.   Mr Clarke also stressed the role of schools in combating juvenile crime and demanded more effective treatment of disruptive pupils.

4.   The move towards in-class support is equally valid for disruptive pupils.

5.   We need to provide an educational service that does not promote disruptive pupils nor reject disruptive pupils.

6.   The committee said the letters should suggest banning disruptive pupils, issuing boarding passes and asking the school to consider providing supervision.

7.   Other schools will be given money to set up learning support units where disruptive pupils will receive specialist help.

8.   They want the parental right to appeal expulsions revoked, and they are demanding the right to detain disruptive pupils after school without parental permission.

9.   Teachers are demanding greater authority in dealing with disruptive pupils.

a. + pupil >>共 258
former 10.36%
black 6.74%
star 5.53%
young 2.25%
younger 2.07%
disruptive 1.73%
individual 1.73%
the 1.73%
fellow 1.55%
handicapped 1.55%
disruptive + n. >>共 152
student 6.84%
force 6.84%
behavior 5.98%
influence 3.42%
tactics 3.13%
passenger 3.13%
action 2.85%
pupil 2.85%
protest 2.56%
behaviour 2.56%
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