1.   The dispute has soured relations between the two countries.

2.   The dispute has soured Muslim-Christian relations and threatened to spoil the millennia celebrations in Nazareth.

3.   Chinese Premier Li Peng accepted an invitation Monday to visit Australia, in a sign that relations soured by disputes over Tibet and Taiwan are improving.

4.   Several disputes have recently soured relations between the two countries.

5.   The dispute has soured relations between the major trading partners and threatens to spill over into other areas such as security ties.

6.   The dispute soured trade and other relations between the United States and China.

7.   The Cyprus dispute has soured ties between NATO allies Greece and Turkey for decades.

8.   The dispute also soured the mood before an international conference to review the Bosnian peace process this week in Bonn, Germany.

9.   The dispute could sour fragile U.S.-China relations, which in recent years have been beset by disputes over human rights, arms sales and other trade issues.

10.   The dispute has soured relations between Egypt and Israel.

n. + sour >>共 171
relation 13.80%
relationship 7.86%
economy 5.10%
dispute 4.88%
investor 2.76%
thing 2.55%
mood 2.34%
experience 2.12%
market 1.70%
marriage 1.49%
dispute + v. >>共 408
be 30.94%
arise 3.45%
involve 2.49%
have 2.19%
center 2.07%
erupt 1.84%
remain 1.84%
lead 1.84%
go 1.71%
begin 1.64%
sour 0.58%
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