1.   Several recent studies have indicated the significant role played by displaced terranes in the morphology and structure of both intercontinental collision orogens and continental-margin orogens.

2.   Numerous displaced terranes have also been identified in the Alpine-Himalayan chain.

3.   The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.

4.   The implications of displaced terranes for the investigation of the relationships between tectonics and landform development have yet to be assessed.

5.   Displaced terranes are starting to generate a significant literature and this has been reviewed by Howell and Schermer et al.

6.   The large number of displaced terranes in the North American Cordillera are considered by Coney et al.

7.   Ollier and Pain draw attention to the neglected problem of how displaced terranes relate to landscape development in the context of Papua New Guinea.

a. + terrane >>共 2
displaced 88.89%
difficult 11.11%
displaced + n. >>共 140
people 48.93%
worker 10.92%
resident 4.89%
family 4.52%
child 1.88%
villager 1.51%
civilian 1.25%
camp 1.25%
fracture 1.13%
employee 1.00%
terrane 1.00%
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