1.   Milosevic dispatched his troops to fight those wars, then to advise proxy armies.

2.   The new leader put down the uprising by dispatching government troops to the area.

3.   The new government, however, responded by dispatching troops to the area, and appeared by the end of January to have re-established control throughout Georgia.

4.   Although the Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war, presidents have resisted the notion that they are required to seek congressional approval before dispatching troops.

5.   American troops were dispatched to protect the relief operation.

6.   As NATO wrestles with whether to dispatch combat troops to Kosovo, there is no longer a unified NATO strategy about how to win the war.

7.   At one point last Tuesday Gore indicated that he might be more willing than Bush to dispatch American troops to solve conflicts abroad.

8.   At the same time, they have dispatched troops to besiege pro-Zapatista villages and hamper the activities of rights monitors in the area.

9.   A move against Haiti would be the second time that the United States has dispatched troops to the island nation.

10.   A more likely scenario is that the president simply stumbled along as the Haitian confrontation escalated until he could not back away from dispatching troops without loss of credibility.

v. + troop >>共 445
send 12.67%
withdraw 8.49%
deploy 5.55%
pull 2.68%
have 2.57%
station 2.15%
contribute 2.04%
accuse 2.02%
mass 1.78%
commit 1.44%
dispatch 1.20%
dispatch + n. >>共 405
team 8.95%
troop 7.91%
envoy 2.95%
helicopter 2.72%
official 2.43%
police 2.14%
force 1.91%
investigator 1.79%
soldier 1.73%
expert 1.62%
每页显示:    共 136