1.   Bush has twice dispatched envoy Anthony Zinni to the region with no success at ending the bloodshed.

2.   Russia is pressing for a diplomatic solution to the current flareup, dispatching envoys and floating proposals to Iraq to make the inspections more palatable.

3.   The deaths came as the Bush administration prepared to dispatch two envoys to Israel, on Sunday, in its first intensive drive for peace in the Middle East.

4.   President Clinton dispatched envoys to both Beijing and Taipei in hopes of defusing the crisis.

5.   President George W. Bush will dispatch Middle East envoy Anthony Zinni back to the troubled region Thursday in hopes of halting widening violence, The Associated Press has learned.

6.   Clinton also dispatched his envoy, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, to Moscow.

7.   Clinton also dispatched his envoy, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, to Moscow to hammer out the details of Russian participation in a Kosovo peacekeeping force.

8.   France and Germany, meanwhile, dispatched envoys to meet Thursday with Croatian President Franjo Tudjman in Zagreb.

9.   France and Germany, meanwhile, dispatched envoys to meet today with Croatian President Franjo Tudjman in Zagreb.

10.   He dispatched an envoy to Tehran last month to invite President Mohammed Khatami to visit Jordan.

v. + envoy >>共 98
send 33.75%
dispatch 9.06%
meet 5.51%
say 5.15%
recall 4.62%
withdraw 3.37%
brief 2.66%
exchange 2.66%
name 2.66%
appoint 2.31%
dispatch + n. >>共 405
team 8.95%
troop 7.91%
envoy 2.95%
helicopter 2.72%
official 2.43%
police 2.14%
force 1.91%
investigator 1.79%
soldier 1.73%
expert 1.62%
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