1.   A Charter of Rights for Employees, including making it unlawful to dismiss an employee for industrial action.

2.   An employer is entitled to dismiss an employee for misconduct.

3.   An employer is unlikely to dismiss an employee without good reason.

4.   An employer who wants to dismiss an employee must give proper notice.

5.   Employees can be dismissed for sending obscene emails.

6.   Given that redundancy is a fair reason for dismissing an employee, a redundant employee can not usually claim unfair dismissal.

7.   Seven employees were dismissed for misconduct.

v. + employee >>共 766
fire 3.24%
pay 3.05%
have 2.83%
hire 2.46%
dismiss 2.20%
treat 1.89%
protect 1.73%
keep 1.61%
include 1.59%
kill 1.49%
dismiss + n. >>共 1065
charge 6.63%
case 5.80%
suggestion 4.77%
report 4.56%
claim 4.12%
idea 3.37%
notion 2.88%
allegation 2.64%
criticism 2.61%
concern 2.52%
employee 1.10%
每页显示:    共 107