1.   Shell U.K. Ltd. said it has called off plans to scuttle an oil platform in the North Atlantic and will dismantle the platform onshore instead.

2.   When the wells run dry, the oil company must dismantle the platform.

3.   After a high-profile campaign that disrupted its operations in some European countries, Shell decided to dismantle the platform on land.

4.   China never agreed to Philippine requests that the platforms be dismantled and the problem dragged on.

5.   Greenpeace wants the platform dismantled and removed, not dumped into the sea.

6.   Instead, Shell said it would seek a license from the British government to dismantle the platform on shore.

7.   Norwegian companies were already working on proposal for dismantling the platform on land, reported the state radio network NRK.

8.   The environmental group wants the platform dismantled and removed, saying the Brent Spar contains over toxic and radioactive waste left over from oil drilling and storage operations.

9.   The platforms were never dismantled.

10.   Young, of Greenpeace, said oil producers must develop the skills and technology needed to safely dispose of or even dismantle platforms.

v. + platform >>共 259
provide 8.89%
have 4.58%
share 4.58%
build 3.91%
use 2.96%
sink 2.43%
create 2.02%
give 1.75%
dismantle 1.62%
adopt 1.48%
dismantle + n. >>共 383
weapon 8.43%
settlement 5.24%
program 4.56%
barrier 3.49%
structure 2.28%
system 2.20%
group 2.20%
equipment 1.59%
bomb 1.52%
camp 1.44%
platform 0.91%
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