1.   Both instruments have automatic setting of wavelength, bandwidth and gas flows, video displays, disk storage and full alpha-numeric keyboard.

2.   Expansion in the number of users and disk storage supported are on there way.

3.   The disk storage available is defined by the System Supervisor for each lexicographer.

4.   The other kind is disk storage, commonly on a hard drive or floppy disk.

5.   This will slow it down, because random-access memory is much faster than disk storage.

6.   At the other end of the technology spectrum is tape-based storage, which provides a low-cost if somewhat less convenient alternative to disk storage.

7.   The results included the transistor, data bases, disk storage, the computer mouse and point-and-click graphic icons.

8.   The suit alleged that the defendants refused to supply disk storage products related to the purchase and that they made false statements about the products.

n. + storage >>共 107
datum 24.32%
computer 5.74%
food 3.28%
water 3.01%
winter 2.73%
grain 2.73%
fuel 2.73%
energy 2.73%
information 2.73%
oil 2.46%
disk 2.19%
disk + n. >>共 122
space 15.89%
problem 6.23%
quota 5.30%
player 4.98%
system 3.43%
format 2.49%
program 2.49%
storage 2.49%
capacity 1.56%
injury 1.56%
每页显示:    共 8