1.   The Health Education Council is the central agency for disseminating information about disease prevention.

2.   And Cafasso noted that some physicians who had worked closely with nurse practitioners saw how patients benefited from the additional emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention.

3.   And better education is needed about health risks and disease prevention, he said.

4.   -- Teaching abstinence in public schools, while excluding instruction about birth control and methods of disease prevention.

5.   Changing those attitudes is difficult, particularly in villages so remote that the very concept of disease prevention and health care officials is alien.

6.   Displays stress disease prevention and warn of the hazards of AIDS and unprotected sex and alcohol and tobacco use.

7.   Fewer grants will slow scientific breakthroughs in disease prevention and cure, which from the Salk vaccine to recent advances in breast cancer have mostly happened at American universities.

8.   For example, as the Associated Press reported, some of the cuts include programs for disease prevention, rural health, and mental health.

9.   He is perhaps best known for his work on developing trade ties with Africa and working on disease prevention and poverty relief there.

10.   In frustration, she saw a naturopath, an alternative practitioner who focuses on disease prevention.

n. + prevention >>共 96
crime 23.42%
disease 7.87%
fire 6.91%
conflict 4.99%
cancer 4.80%
drug 4.61%
violence 3.84%
suicide 3.45%
abuse 2.30%
crisis 1.92%
disease + n. >>共 306
outbreak 6.54%
specialist 4.09%
prevention 3.72%
expert 3.45%
center 3.09%
process 3.09%
activity 3.00%
resistance 2.54%
control 2.36%
patient 2.18%
每页显示:    共 41