1.   All it takes is for an infected person to get bit by Aedes aegypti and the disease can begin to spread.

2.   But a year later, the disease once again began its reign of terror when a particularly aggressive strain began to spread anew.

3.   Disease begins when the organisms get aggressive.

4.   Four months ago, the disease began to overcome.

5.   George Timmerman, a local grower, said that suddenly two years ago various diseases began decimating his and other flocks in the area.

6.   His disease began as a blister on his back.

7.   Nor does the genome reveal how diseases begin or how we age.

8.   Periodontal disease begins with a bacterial infection in the gums, called gingivitis.

9.   Scientists believe many diseases begin with genetic mistakes known as mutations.

10.   Still, the disease began to affect his energy and appearance.

n. + begin >>共 1326
company 1.92%
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season 1.44%
trial 1.32%
government 1.26%
official 1.15%
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disease 0.05%
disease + v. >>共 333
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