1.   Discussions included the subject of the re-opening of the twin oil pipelines which ran from Kirkuk in Iraq to the Mediterranean port of Iskenderun in Turkey.

2.   Discussions had included, Berisha said, the war logic followed by Milosevic and the Serbian leading circles in solving the Yugoslav crisis.

3.   Their discussions included the merger of the Falange and the Traditionalist movement and they went so far as to commission a draft document outlining the project.

4.   Such discussion should include thoughts about the form of the drama and its content.

5.   Any immigration discussions should include ways to enforce the law at and beyond the border, he said.

6.   Attorneys declined to comment about the closed session, but court officials said the discussion included a jury issue that was resolved.

7.   A senior military official said the discussion included specific potential targets.

8.   Aides confirmed that strategy discussions include the logistically difficult and politically hazardous appearance before the full House to deliver a plea for censure.

9.   Discussions have included Reynolds and her husband, but also outside scholars and others, he said.

10.   Goodenow said that the discussions included Ken Baumgartner of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Kelly Miller of the Washington Capitals and Marty McSorley of the Los Angeles Kings.

n. + include >>共 1161
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discussion + v. >>共 311
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