1.   At the informal meeting I had with and we discussed a procedure for dealing with litter.

2.   Procedure is usually discussed between the expert and the parties.

3.   A Burson-Marsteller spokesman, Peter Himler, declined to discuss those procedures in detail.

4.   Clinton will meet with his Cabinet this afternoon to discuss procedures for an orderly government shutdown and a potential default, McCurry said.

5.   Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Friday that Pentagon lawyers were just beginning to discuss possible procedures for military trials.

6.   French, British, Italian and German government officials and industrialists are meeting with top Pentagon officials to discuss streamlining procedures for mergers with American companies.

7.   Getty said he does not intend to discuss the procedure until after it is completed.

8.   In addition, it says that doctors should not discuss the procedure by which they get such authorization.

9.   Lott is expected to meet with Senate Democratic leaders after the House vote to discuss procedure for an impeachment trial.

10.   The group had occasionally discussed the procedure.

v. + procedure >>共 511
follow 10.10%
perform 6.33%
use 4.09%
undergo 3.02%
do 2.94%
have 2.80%
review 2.72%
establish 2.13%
repeat 1.83%
ban 1.78%
discuss 1.13%
discuss + n. >>共 877
issue 8.73%
matter 3.99%
way 3.69%
detail 3.49%
plan 2.98%
situation 2.70%
case 2.65%
possibility 2.44%
problem 1.94%
proposal 1.62%
procedure 0.15%
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