1.   Although I did not understand I could see that they were discussing the problem.

2.   Community leaders meet regularly to discuss local problems.

3.   Elinor had begun, Donald told him, by discussing her problems.

4.   Emphasis is placed on one-dimensional systems, but flat plate problems are also discussed.

5.   Every Friday there is a meeting at the factory where the workers can air their views and discuss problems.

6.   He would never talk about anything, discuss problems or even get involved in arguments with her.

7.   Health chiefs have called an urgent meeting to discuss the problem.

8.   His report discusses the problem in detail.

v. + problem >>共 361
have 22.63%
solve 9.06%
cause 5.52%
face 3.36%
address 2.77%
create 2.61%
pose 2.36%
fix 2.32%
resolve 2.12%
discuss 1.64%
discuss + n. >>共 877
issue 8.73%
matter 3.99%
way 3.69%
detail 3.49%
plan 2.98%
situation 2.70%
case 2.65%
possibility 2.44%
problem 1.94%
proposal 1.62%
每页显示:    共 530