1.   Give them the name of your employer, and discuss your plight.

2.   Li asked a colleague sardonically, while discussing his plight last week.

3.   Marty Blake, the NBA director of scouting, recalls a conversation he had with Georgetown coach John Thompson as they discussed the plight of the center position.

4.   Officials are also discussing the plight of homeless civilians inside Kosovo, while conceding they have no ready plan to help them.

5.   On Monday, Ken Lay met with the Rev. Jesse Jackson in Houston to discuss the plight of former Enron workers and retirees.

6.   On Monday, Yeltsin convened a meeting of his Security Council to discuss the plight of the coal miners and ethnic strife in the Caucasus.

7.   Over triple-olive martinis and Shiner Bock at the mall restaurant, a group of Mexican shoppers discussed the plight of the peso.

8.   The author grows somber when discussing the plight of these people, whose treatment brings to mind that of Native Americans.

9.   Other Algerian feminists discussed their plight at a heavily guarded hotel with European counterparts.

10.   Pius claimed his abductors released him only after threatening to kill him if he discussed his plight publicly.

v. + plight >>共 159
highlight 7.90%
ignore 6.70%
consider 6.19%
ease 5.84%
discuss 4.47%
improve 3.09%
understand 2.92%
publicize 2.75%
worsen 2.41%
address 2.06%
discuss + n. >>共 877
issue 8.73%
matter 3.99%
way 3.69%
detail 3.49%
plan 2.98%
situation 2.70%
case 2.65%
possibility 2.44%
problem 1.94%
proposal 1.62%
plight 0.09%
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