1.   Discrimination based on race, gender or nationality would also be barred under the proposed guidelines.

2.   An angry Upton sued JWP, charging discrimination based on her status as a single mother and her inability to work longer hours.

3.   Discrimination based on race, creed, sex, social status or family origin was banned.

4.   Discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin became illegal.

5.   It banned local laws that prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation.

6.   Like discrimination based on race or gender, creating an underclass of genetic unfortunates would be intolerable.

7.   The lawsuit claims discrimination based on disability, or perceived disability, and denial of equal protections and due process.

8.   The measure, while generally banning job discrimination based on sexual orientation, would exempt the military, small businesses and religious organizations from compliance.

9.   The man, named Robert Jordan, has filed a federal lawsuit alleging discrimination based on intelligence.

10.   Unconcerned that he would be demonstrating the very characteristic the developer had deplored, Liebaert responded by filing a lawsuit claiming discrimination based on his profession.

n. + base >>共 962
company 4.30%
group 2.15%
fee 1.31%
service 1.00%
firm 1.00%
government 0.96%
court 0.92%
system 0.92%
decision 0.88%
program 0.84%
discrimination 0.60%
discrimination + v. >>共 75
be 54.81%
exist 5.77%
occur 4.09%
base 3.61%
continue 2.40%
have 2.16%
remain 2.16%
take 1.68%
keep 1.20%
persist 0.96%
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