1.   No serious thinker can make a valid argument that to discriminate based on species is acceptable.

2.   He said that if businesses discriminate against an individual based solely on race, they hurt themselves by losing a qualified applicant.

3.   However, the court said the NEA could run afoul of the First Amendment if it applies the standards in a way that discriminates based on viewpoint.

4.   The Police Department said it could not comment on why Rivas was disqualified but spokesman Sherman Ackerson said the department does not discriminate based on transgender issues.

5.   The results are proof that Riviera does not discriminate based on age or experience.

6.   While many states have passed legislation making it illegal to discriminate based on smoking status, in other states it is perfectly legal.

7.   They also object to allowing religious groups that get tax dollars to discriminate based on religion in hiring staff.

8.   Woodley B. Osborne, an attorney for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and other groups, said some bosses may feel free now to discriminate based on religion.

v. + base >>共 335
be 7.15%
make 7.04%
pay 2.79%
return 2.57%
say 2.23%
select 2.12%
vary 2.01%
sell 1.79%
pick 1.56%
choose 1.56%
discriminate 0.89%
discriminate + v. >>共 4
base 44.44%
claim 44.44%
encourage 5.56%
help 5.56%
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