1.   Indigenous oil discoveries proved disappointing and efforts have been directed towards hydro-electric power, nuclear and geothermal energy.

2.   New archaeological discoveries prove the existence of an ancient civilization in the Indus Valley.

3.   Basile explained that this discovery proved that Assisi was a revolutionary workshop.

4.   But everyone whose religion places mankind and Earth at the center of their faith will have to make some accommodation if the discovery proves true.

5.   But the discovery may prove to be of at least as much interest to philosophers as to Silicon Valley engineers.

6.   But Young said the discovery proves that the new way of developing school sites is working.

7.   Dig, dig, dig until your discovery proves to be a two-man boulder.

8.   For Sheppard, the discovery has proved to be a palliative of sorts.

9.   Later discoveries proved that, in fact, the egg thief was actually the egg layer.

10.   The discovery has proven to be both a blessing and a curse.

n. + prove >>共 2049
test 1.86%
study 1.03%
prosecutor 1.03%
government 1.00%
chance 0.91%
system 0.81%
result 0.77%
company 0.72%
effort 0.71%
move 0.68%
discovery 0.14%
discovery + v. >>共 279
be 23.07%
lead 6.72%
come 4.66%
have 3.28%
help 2.67%
make 2.14%
raise 1.68%
prompt 1.30%
show 1.30%
mean 1.30%
prove 0.92%
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