1.   Besides aiding the overall understanding of clotting, his discoveries helped researchers develop treatments for people who have bleeding problems because they lack Factor XIII.

2.   Accolades came Monday from other scientists who had worked with Prusiner or carried out research in the field that his landmark discovery helped create.

3.   Discoveries like that help establish a mutual understanding that proves invaluable during turbulent teen-age years.

4.   Dennell said the discovery also might help explain the earliest colonization of Europe by pre-modern humans.

5.   His discoveries helped make industrial production of vinegar possible.

6.   His surprise discovery helped pave the way to much work in human biology pertaining to chromosomal abnormalities.

7.   If people react in the same way, this discovery may help in the search for ways to treat strokes and other brain damage.

8.   Lawyers say discovery would help put the company on even footing with the Justice Department, which has been gathering information from Microsoft and others for several years.

9.   Scientists say the discovery might help them devise treatment strategies, but not actual treatments for HIV.

10.   The discovery may help chemists redesign some drugs that can cause sexual dysfunction.

n. + help >>共 1529
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discovery + v. >>共 279
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