1.   The bank said it discovered the wrongdoing last May and later filed suit against him.

2.   But Hatch warned that if other wrongdoing by Clinton is discovered by Starr, or if Clinton lied to the grand jury, then Hatch would support impeachment hearings.

3.   If the idea is to make sure that the rules are followed, who cares who discovers the wrongdoing?

4.   Meanwhile, opposition lawmakers said they would seek to impeach Finance Minister Luis Raul Matos Azocar if some wrongdoing is discovered.

5.   Since the wrongdoing was discovered, the company has installed new management and changed auditors.

6.   The wrongdoing was discovered by the National Science Foundation, which said this was the largest fraud case it had ever identified.

7.   A similar group set up last June has yet to discover any wrongdoing in Taiwan.

8.   Another option for Armmand would be to file a complaint with the state Elections Enforcement Commission, which can investigate any irregularities and enforce fines if wrongdoing is discovered.

9.   Distancing himself from his politically damaging aide, Kim again ordered that Chang be fully investigated and prosecuted if any wrongdoings are discovered.

v. + wrongdoing >>共 102
deny 75.81%
admit 9.22%
find 2.34%
acknowledge 1.38%
commit 0.99%
investigate 0.82%
uncover 0.60%
prove 0.53%
allege 0.43%
discover 0.39%
discover + n. >>共 1625
body 8.20%
problem 2.02%
bomb 1.82%
remains 1.13%
truth 0.96%
case 0.94%
evidence 0.93%
drug 0.91%
error 0.88%
identity 0.79%
wrongdoing 0.19%
每页显示:    共 11