1.   The court held on demurrer that the statement of claim disclosed no cause of action.

2.   The defendants sought to have the claim struck out on the ground that it disclosed no cause of action.

3.   A Vatican spokesman declined to disclose the cause of death, but Pietrangeli had been ill for some time.

4.   Friends in Paris said he died in a hospital but did not disclose the cause.

5.   His family did not disclose the cause of death.

6.   His family declined to disclose the cause of death.

7.   Hospital officials would not disclose the cause of death.

8.   In announcing his death, his family did not disclose the cause, The Associated Press reported.

9.   Lisa Gaines, a hospital official, announced the death but did not disclose the cause.

10.   Officials said he had been ill for some time, but did not disclose the cause of death.

v. + cause >>共 372
determine 14.62%
investigate 12.15%
have 6.45%
give 5.79%
help 3.99%
find 3.92%
support 3.90%
champion 2.79%
know 2.53%
advance 1.80%
disclose 0.88%
disclose + n. >>共 650
detail 14.19%
information 7.84%
name 5.72%
term 3.33%
identity 2.93%
amount 2.93%
plan 2.43%
content 2.30%
price 2.01%
figure 1.50%
cause 0.75%
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