1.   Cut the olives into small slices and discard the pits.

2.   Coarsely chop the peaches, discarding the pits, and place them in a large bowl.

3.   Cut peaches into thin strips, discarding pits.

4.   Halve the peaches, discarding pits, and set them, cut side up, in a buttered baking dish.

v. + pit >>共 96
dig 17.83%
remove 7.36%
leave 6.98%
enter 5.04%
exit 3.10%
have 2.33%
fill 2.33%
close 2.33%
cover 1.94%
seal 1.94%
discard 1.55%
discard + n. >>共 446
stem 3.07%
solid 2.97%
skin 2.87%
fat 2.78%
marinade 2.18%
seed 2.18%
idea 2.08%
ballot 1.39%
embryo 1.39%
liquid 1.19%
pit 0.40%
每页显示:    共 4