1.   Discard the oil and use fresh oil as needed.

2.   Discard the oil in the pan.

3.   Drain tuna, discard the oil and cut the fish into six steaks.

4.   Once the bones have browned, discard the oil.

5.   Pour off and discard oil that has separated from roux.

6.   Remove chicken from the casserole and discard remaining oil.

7.   Set the scallops aside, discarding the oil.

8.   Transfer to platter, and discard oil in pan.

v. + oil >>共 489
heat 13.07%
sell 6.99%
add 5.29%
pump 4.28%
export 3.84%
use 3.50%
produce 2.85%
buy 2.48%
carry 2.23%
transport 2.19%
discard 0.18%
discard + n. >>共 446
stem 3.07%
solid 2.97%
skin 2.87%
fat 2.78%
marinade 2.18%
seed 2.18%
idea 2.08%
ballot 1.39%
embryo 1.39%
liquid 1.19%
oil 0.79%
每页显示:    共 8