1.   As you are eating, discard curry leaves as you come across them.

2.   Baby artichokes do not have a thistle, and usually the whole artichoke can be eaten after any tough outer leaves are discarded.

3.   Dig up the plant, discard the leaves and wash the soil off the roots.

4.   Discard the leaf.

5.   Peel off and discard outer leaves from each artichoke until you reach part that is yellowish-green.

6.   Pull stalks out with a yank and discard the leaves.

7.   Remove and discard outer leaves, and split bulbs in half lengthwise.

8.   Discard screwpine leaves.

9.   Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and discard pandan leaves.

v. + leaf >>共 379
use 4.15%
have 3.29%
remove 2.90%
eat 2.82%
take 2.74%
rake 2.59%
cancel 2.35%
shed 2.27%
lose 2.27%
drop 2.27%
discard 0.71%
discard + n. >>共 446
stem 3.07%
solid 2.97%
skin 2.87%
fat 2.78%
marinade 2.18%
seed 2.18%
idea 2.08%
ballot 1.39%
embryo 1.39%
liquid 1.19%
leaf 0.89%
每页显示:    共 9