1.   Starting with dirty diapers and bed-wetting, they raised us to adulthood.

2.   The baby has a dirty diaper.

3.   I put the dirty diaper in the trash.

4.   Attendants hate it when passengers store dirty diapers in seatbacks or hand dirty diapers to them.

5.   Dirty diapers.

6.   Dirty diapers go into one of two Diaper Champs.

7.   Dirty diapers and moving into a new house were their first priorities.

8.   Friedman delivered rib-tickling disquisitions on the challenge of the dirty diaper.

9.   Others respond that times have changed, and that neither women nor men belong in the boardroom if they cannot leave the dirty diapers at home.

10.   Sometimes it came with the odor of dirty diapers or nail-polish remover, she said.

a. + diaper >>共 73
disposable 36.97%
dirty 10.08%
adult 5.88%
soiled 3.78%
changing 3.36%
free 2.94%
used 2.10%
larger 1.68%
first 1.68%
old 1.26%
dirty + n. >>共 436
bomb 4.70%
water 4.40%
clothes 3.80%
money 3.32%
dish 3.20%
joke 2.90%
war 2.90%
look 2.83%
air 2.77%
needle 2.65%
diaper 1.45%
每页显示:    共 24