1.   The allegations of deep water murder have created a jurisdictional nightmare for the RCMP and a diplomatic dilemma for Ottawa.

2.   A recent spate of asylum attempts by North Koreans fleeing hunger and repression has presented Beijing with a diplomatic dilemma.

3.   A series of asylum requests at Western embassies and U.N. offices in Beijing has caused diplomatic dilemmas for China.

4.   China quickly extricated itself from a diplomatic dilemma by expelling them to the Philippines.

5.   Such asylum requests represent diplomatic dilemmas for the Chinese government.

6.   Such asylum requests have caused diplomatic dilemmas for the Chinese government.

7.   Such asylum requests present the Chinese government with diplomatic dilemmas.

8.   That leaves Italy stuck with a volatile diplomatic dilemma.

9.   The case caused a diplomatic dilemma because the white-minority rulers that established the companies were no longer in power.

10.   The Iraq crisis poses a diplomatic dilemma for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who was an outspoken supporter of Saddam during the Gulf War.

a. + dilemma >>共 257
moral 10.85%
ethical 7.84%
similar 3.27%
same 3.14%
difficult 3.01%
political 2.22%
real 1.70%
diplomatic 1.70%
personal 1.57%
serious 1.44%
diplomatic + n. >>共 581
source 11.25%
tie 9.02%
effort 7.49%
mission 5.19%
solution 3.14%
pressure 2.10%
channel 1.78%
recognition 1.70%
contact 1.38%
activity 1.34%
dilemma 0.11%
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