1.   But the question remains, how confident can we be that a formula score is truly representative of the overall difficulty level?

2.   This step should ensure that the difficulty level and the volume of material in any one session are right for the students.

3.   We know from many studies that quite subtle changes in tasks can significantly alter their difficulty level.

4.   Also, on higher difficulty levels the pieces are not only shuffled but also rotated or flipped.

5.   And the high difficulty level disappoints.

6.   As much as Moceanu looks terrific here and Zmeskal is tumbling strong, they are having trouble keeping up the difficulty levels to the current standards.

7.   Beef up the difficulty level, and this could keep you busy for months.

8.   After allowing me to coast through a few missions, Flashpoint raised the difficulty level.

9.   Each race has four or five color-coded courses that vary in difficulty level.

10.   Meanwhile, new dice are rising from the floor, and the difficulty level is constantly escalating.

n. + level >>共 1503
cholesterol 2.82%
income 2.35%
price 1.98%
grade 1.80%
skill 1.66%
comfort 1.50%
production 1.46%
pollution 1.43%
blood 1.41%
radiation 1.39%
difficulty 0.28%
difficulty + n. >>共 128
breathing 22.98%
level 9.06%
face 4.53%
finding 1.94%
reading 1.94%
hearing 1.94%
landing 1.94%
understanding 1.94%
working 1.94%
money 1.62%
每页显示:    共 28