1.   Can it avoid self-destruction caused by the strong ideological differences among its moderate and its more radical factions?

2.   Despite the obvious advantages of a unified perspective for collective political action, the differences among women disallow such a perspective.

3.   In addition personal differences among trainee advice workers must be accommodated.

4.   It notes disagreements and differences among both political philosophers and teachers.

5.   The central differences among the groups are level of education and previous work experience.

6.   The difference among educational groups in expectations of equal treatment by the police is similarly high in both countries.

7.   The differences among the accounts become most apparent when one considers the manner in which the cleavage between sky and earth occurred.

8.   The differences among the trilobites of different ages can be used by paleontologists to date these rocks.

9.   The differences among these dialects, which mainly involved pronunciation, were similar to differences among dialects in the present-day United States.

10.   The first major difference among the Democratic majority to publicly surface is the choice of county administrator.

n. + among >>共 1306
support 2.52%
concern 2.29%
competition 1.72%
debate 1.01%
casualty 0.99%
difference 0.97%
fear 0.96%
cooperation 0.94%
chief 0.92%
rate 0.81%
difference + p. >>共 75
over 22.83%
with 22.14%
on 11.50%
among 9.55%
for 6.53%
from 5.12%
as 2.50%
at 2.39%
within 2.33%
by 2.16%
每页显示:    共 330