1.   All these are symptoms of a simple dietary deficiency but often are mistaken for normal ageing processes.

2.   No dietary deficiencies in people who lived on her soup!

3.   Menorrhagia is the major non-gastrointestinal cause of blood loss while dietary deficiency may be the sole cause or a contributing factor to the anaemia.

4.   The consequences of starvation depend on the type of dietary deficiency from which it arises.

5.   Dietary deficiency, low circulating oestrogens, hypercortisolism, laxative misuse, and disturbed acid-base balance are thought to be responsible.

6.   And there is little, if any, evidence that taking vitamin and mineral supplements can compensate for dietary deficiencies that result from careless eating habits.

7.   Because trade sanctions and economic problems had created widespread dietary deficiencies at the time, nutritional factors were suspected.

8.   But there is much confusion about other food sources of calcium and the ability of calcium supplements to compensate for a dietary deficiency.

9.   Can vitamins and minerals in pills compensate for dietary deficiencies that result from careless eating habits?

a. + deficiency >>共 139
immune 9.25%
nutritional 6.65%
serious 5.49%
dietary 4.91%
glaring 4.62%
major 3.18%
nutrient 2.60%
defensive 2.60%
academic 2.31%
severe 2.31%
dietary + n. >>共 184
supplement 33.68%
fat 3.87%
calcium 3.77%
fiber 3.56%
guideline 3.35%
habit 3.03%
fibre 2.62%
change 2.30%
restriction 2.20%
need 2.09%
deficiency 1.78%
每页显示:    共 17