1.   At least she died defending her honour.

2.   Today we remember the brave who died defending our country.

3.   He was prepared even to die in order to defend the honour of his family.

4.   Charles Condon, the state attorney general and a Republican, said removing the flag would dishonor those who died defending their homes against Union invaders.

5.   Each one of those soldiers died defending outposts and settlements that most Israelis are aware will probably be removed in any negotiated agreement with the Palestinians.

6.   It is the faith I would die to defend.

7.   It would be equally hard to think of the American flag without thinking of all the men and women who fought and died defending our country.

8.   Some priests died defending their congregants.

9.   The important news was the slaying of two policemen who died defending the Capitol against an armed madman.

10.   The Serbs insist they will die defending Brcko.

v. + defend >>共 120
fight 8.59%
use 8.03%
die 7.76%
return 6.65%
rush 4.43%
do 3.05%
spend 2.77%
kill 2.22%
work 2.22%
act 1.94%
die + v. >>共 198
try 15.75%
fight 10.24%
follow 7.22%
wait 4.33%
defend 3.67%
leave 3.67%
say 2.89%
do 2.76%
laugh 1.71%
accord 1.57%
每页显示:    共 28