1.   The psychiatrist diagnosed the patient as neurotic.

2.   One patient was only diagnosed when he presented with small bowel lymphoma.

3.   Patients with longstanding disease responded as well as newly diagnosed patients.

4.   In our study two patients were originally diagnosed as having proctitis.

5.   A computer program that can detect potentially fatal episodes of sleep apnea may soon offer physicians an easier and cheaper way to diagnose their patients.

6.   A Good Sam emergency doctor is called over to diagnose a patient who might be halfway around the world.

7.   But drawing cultural conclusions from them is like diagnosing a patient based on height, weight and eye color.

8.   In the end, doctors diagnose patients with mild, moderate or severe brain injuries.

9.   In one corner of the clinic, there is a primary care cluster to diagnose patients.

10.   More fortunate patients are diagnosed, before symptoms occur, during routine blood tests.

v. + patient >>共 702
treat 12.67%
help 3.82%
see 2.82%
refer 2.57%
kill 1.80%
protect 1.44%
send 1.36%
take 1.31%
examine 1.25%
admit 1.23%
diagnose 0.44%
diagnose + n. >>共 237
problem 11.89%
disease 9.20%
cancer 7.55%
injury 6.72%
condition 6.31%
illness 3.93%
case 2.79%
patient 2.38%
woman 1.76%
people 1.45%
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