1.   But veterinary medicine has not kept up, devoting scant hours to teaching about animals other than dogs and cats.

2.   He devoted long hours to expanding profits and to cavorting with his employees.

3.   He says his network, which devoted endless hours to Simpsoniana, just as Rivera did, goes for news significance, not ratings.

4.   Hours are devoted to meditation, usually in half-hour blocks of sitting or walking.

5.   Instead, they devote many hours to studying for entrance exams and performing community service to punch up their resumes.

6.   LaRussa, a new-age kind of guy, copes with the problems by devoting an hour a day to transcendental seething.

7.   On Saturday they devoted an hour of practice to refining the art of scoring with a man advantage.

8.   Other jurors agreed and even offered to devote longer hours to the trial to bring it to a quick end.

9.   Public indifference is why the television networks, those avid calculators of public opinion, now devote only a few hours to convention coverage.

10.   Ross devoted several hours of his day to typing letters.

v. + hour >>共 321
spend 25.32%
take 18.11%
work 8.99%
extend 3.83%
wait 2.77%
have 2.52%
reduce 1.83%
keep 1.47%
cut 1.26%
shorten 0.94%
devote 0.81%
devote + n. >>共 310
time 14.97%
life 8.75%
resource 6.41%
attention 5.82%
most 4.87%
energy 3.63%
page 2.83%
chapter 1.94%
effort 1.89%
section 1.89%
hour 0.99%
每页显示:    共 20