1.   Furthermore, there were no psychologists around to devise tests of mental faculties.

2.   Scientists have devised a test that shows who is most likely to get the disease.

3.   Tests are being devised for children with special needs expected to attain lower levels three to one.

4.   The problem is to devise tests that will demonstrate this.

5.   This would carry with it a responsibility on their part to help devise the tests, or at least to scrutinize their content.

6.   Athletes use drugs to enhance their performances, scientists devise tests to identify those drugs, then the athletes move on to more sophisticated doping techniques.

7.   At that time, there was no service industry on the island, so Wangeman devised tests to decide who had aptitude for certain jobs.

8.   But Sternberg has led the way in devising IQ tests to back up his theories.

9.   Some clinics have already devised tests that identify whether children have this genetic variant and change the drug dose accordingly.

10.   The USOC last year demanded that a more dependable test be devised or that testosterone be removed from the list of banned substances.

v. + test >>共 591
conduct 12.51%
undergo 6.97%
pass 5.69%
take 5.45%
fail 4.27%
do 3.54%
carry 3.31%
perform 2.65%
use 2.51%
have 2.06%
devise 0.22%
devise + n. >>共 336
way 16.09%
plan 12.18%
strategy 8.08%
system 4.49%
method 2.56%
scheme 2.50%
solution 1.99%
program 1.67%
formula 1.67%
policy 1.35%
test 1.15%
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