1.   Bush has complained that the new rules were devised without adequate consultation with the American people.

2.   But because repetitive stress injury is a cumulative problem, the court devised a rule for these plaintiffs to indicate when their clock can start.

3.   But instead of telling them how to behave, she had them devise rules of conduct and punishment.

4.   Congressmen have to devise ground rules for breaking up the existing state telephone companies and awarding concessions to new phone service providers.

5.   Devising strict rules for the victim to follow at home.

6.   Devising the rules will be no simple task.

7.   Einstein devised new rules to explain the discrepancies.

8.   Even legislatures are tricky places in which to devise rules for what will remain an essentially private practice.

9.   He said it was foolish to apply Industrial Age examples to new technologies and said congressional legislation might be the best way to devise rules to protect companies.

10.   It warned officials to devise workable rules to let Mexican drivers in, noting it could make them adhere to U.S. safety rules.

v. + rule >>共 485
violate 6.52%
change 6.11%
break 5.22%
follow 3.58%
have 3.22%
enforce 3.08%
set 2.42%
impose 1.90%
establish 1.81%
tighten 1.71%
devise 0.17%
devise + n. >>共 336
way 16.09%
plan 12.18%
strategy 8.08%
system 4.49%
method 2.56%
scheme 2.50%
solution 1.99%
program 1.67%
formula 1.67%
policy 1.35%
rule 1.22%
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