1.   As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality.

2.   Certain developmental defects, including deformed and multiple limbs, have been traced to disturbances in hormones as well as to parasites.

3.   However, the actual increase in ultraviolet rays reaching the Earth is controversial, and their role in causing developmental defects is unproven.

4.   In addition to cancer, dioxin has been linked to developmental defects in children and to immune system and reproductive disorders.

5.   Mostly poorer nations will bear the burden of eliminating the toxins, which contribute to developmental defects, cancer, and other problems in human and animals.

a. + defect >>共 174
genetic 20.31%
structural 4.13%
serious 3.79%
physical 3.44%
congenital 3.44%
technical 2.58%
mechanical 2.58%
minor 2.58%
same 2.41%
manufacturing 2.07%
developmental 0.86%
developmental + n. >>共 159
league 6.10%
problem 6.10%
stage 5.88%
disorder 5.45%
psychologist 4.79%
delay 4.14%
biology 2.61%
biologist 2.61%
need 2.40%
process 2.40%
defect 1.09%
每页显示:    共 5