1.   As romance fiction blossomed, a number of organizations and publications developed to serve it.

2.   Even the most ideological from both sides agree that existing water reserves are fully tapped and that other supplies will have to be developed to serve both populations.

3.   Internet content, they said, needed to be developed to serve the needs and interests of minorities and the poor.

4.   Plans are being developed to serve Maine.

5.   A mostly white industry has developed to serve blacks with some odd products.

6.   The minister also announced that the Ras al-Naqab airport, in the south of the Sinai peninsula, will soon be developed to serve regional tourism.

v. + serve >>共 177
be 6.93%
build 4.53%
sentence 4.27%
call 3.73%
use 3.20%
exist 2.67%
create 2.40%
set_up 2.40%
time 2.13%
recruit 1.87%
develop 1.60%
develop + v. >>共 235
use 5.12%
treat 4.24%
help 4.24%
allow 2.30%
make 2.12%
deal 1.77%
prevent 1.77%
meet 1.77%
fight 1.77%
replace 1.59%
serve 1.06%
每页显示:    共 6