1.   Research planning diagram was developed to deal with this situation.

2.   New management styles are being developed to deal with new roles new circumstances.

3.   And a system must be developed to deal with litter that residents leave for others to clean up.

4.   A mass-transportation system is being developed to deal with rapidly increasing numbers of visitors.

5.   Hearing aids are only just now being developed to deal with that kind of problem.

6.   Over the years, techniques have been devised to reduce the problem of invasive species, and other methods have been developed to deal with corrosion.

7.   The device was developed to deal with an emergency at a baby food cannery, which needed a way to detect improperly sealed jars before they left the factory.

8.   The process received such good reviews from those involved that Pataki is trying it again, this time to develop legislation dealing with teen-age pregnancy and doctor discipline.

9.   From there a programme of action will be developed to deal with problems such as that the Commonwealth faced with the Ogoni nine in Nigeria.

v. + deal >>共 148
set_up 12.68%
do 4.61%
call 4.32%
establish 4.03%
be 3.75%
use 3.46%
create 3.46%
develop 2.88%
form 2.59%
say 2.59%
develop + v. >>共 235
use 5.12%
treat 4.24%
help 4.24%
allow 2.30%
make 2.12%
deal 1.77%
prevent 1.77%
meet 1.77%
fight 1.77%
replace 1.59%
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