1.   Teachers of multi-ethnic classes need to develop some awareness of the backgrounds of their students.

2.   The workshop is aimed at youth leaders who can develop media awareness training schemes in parishes and communities in their respective countries.

3.   Once we start developing awareness of the use of space as part of the language of drama we are teaching theatre skills.

4.   To develop an awareness of the human body in relation to movement.

5.   Despite their similar names, eurythmy is distinct from eurhythmics, an established method of developing rhythmic awareness through movement exercises.

6.   Now, Fields must develop an awareness elsewhere.

7.   Perhaps most significantly, people are beginning to develop an awareness of individual rights.

8.   It will be used to organise seminars, workshops and issue publications in order to develop greater awareness of Europe.

9.   The rub lies in how this awareness can be developed into creating a team of well trained convervators.

10.   This awareness is developed by making sure each team member knows what is important to the team.

v. + awareness >>共 133
raise 35.15%
increase 14.26%
create 9.63%
promote 6.27%
heighten 5.63%
have 2.18%
build 2.00%
boost 1.18%
develop 1.00%
enhance 1.00%
develop + n. >>共 1095
technology 2.67%
plan 2.27%
product 2.16%
system 2.13%
drug 2.06%
software 1.81%
program 1.80%
weapon 1.54%
reputation 1.53%
cancer 1.38%
awareness 0.07%
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