1.   Weaver shows, for example, that a certain peculiar kind of process is occurring when public enterprise objectives are being determined.

2.   The customer usually determines an objective, such as improving relationships, career or personal fulfillment.

3.   The first is to determine the objectives of the tax under review and the basic economic and equitable principles which are relevant to these objectives.

v. + objective >>共 160
achieve 29.91%
meet 10.55%
have 6.41%
accomplish 4.54%
reach 3.34%
set 3.20%
pursue 2.94%
attain 2.00%
define 1.87%
share 1.47%
determine 0.53%
determine + n. >>共 966
cause 11.46%
extent 3.13%
fate 2.81%
outcome 2.62%
winner 2.07%
future 1.92%
value 1.73%
number 1.68%
motive 1.55%
price 1.48%
objective 0.07%
每页显示:    共 4