1.   Experiments were performed on seven subjects to determine the accuracy of the method for measuring oesophageal bicarbonate content.

2.   Check back in a few months to determine its accuracy.

3.   Determining the accuracy of the estrogen theory is urgent.

4.   No one, however, has tried to determine the accuracy of the reports.

5.   The Longview attorney, hired by millionaire Brian Pardo two months ago, is leading the charge to determine the accuracy of the Routier trial transcript.

6.   There is no legal requirement that advertisements be submitted to a government agency for advance review to determine accuracy.

7.   Prosecutors, however, said they were trying to determine the accuracy of that, and officials have repeatedly said hundreds of patients could be affected.

8.   Prosecutors, however, said they were trying to determine the accuracy of that statement, and officials have repeatedly said hundreds of patients could be affected.

v. + accuracy >>共 135
question 12.22%
improve 10.56%
verify 4.14%
ensure 3.93%
confirm 3.52%
check 3.11%
increase 2.69%
test 2.28%
have 2.28%
dispute 2.28%
determine 1.66%
determine + n. >>共 966
cause 11.46%
extent 3.13%
fate 2.81%
outcome 2.62%
winner 2.07%
future 1.92%
value 1.73%
number 1.68%
motive 1.55%
price 1.48%
accuracy 0.13%
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