1.   As the new executive director, Anthony Romero has recently implemented a letter-writing campaign to foreign consulates whose citizens have been detained on immigration charges.

2.   But the Globe has reported that officials in seven foreign embassies have complained to the State Department about not being notified when their citizens were detained or arrested.

3.   Officials said that those detained included citizens from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, as well as Afghanistan.

4.   Six American citizens have been detained for varying periods since last fall, along with a number of others holding permanent residency status in the United States.

5.   The military has held back in response to the demands of the Western governments whose citizens were being detained.

6.   The U.S. citizens were detained in stark and desolate barbed wire encampments in the West, Clinton recalled.

7.   Under his watch, the ACLU recently began a letter-writing campaign to foreign consulates whose citizens have been detained on immigration charges.

8.   A Myanmar citizen was detained after he was found crouched in bushes making a telephone call from an illegally connected instrument, the national news agency reported Monday.

9.   At least six Bahraini citizens are being detained by the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Cuba, the Bahraini Foreign Ministry has said.

10.   At least six Bahraini citizens are being detained by the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Cuba, according to the Bahraini Foreign Ministry and the Bahrain Human Rights Society.

v. + citizen >>共 424
protect 7.13%
kill 3.54%
evacuate 3.17%
extradite 3.11%
warn 2.87%
arrest 2.56%
include 1.95%
bar 1.89%
try 1.89%
prevent 1.46%
detain 1.10%
detain + n. >>共 380
people 13.63%
man 10.67%
suspect 9.64%
hundred 2.55%
protester 2.17%
member 1.98%
journalist 1.90%
activist 1.74%
dozen 1.71%
leader 1.60%
citizen 0.49%
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