1.   Alice had to write up a detailed log of the trip, complete with scientific data.

2.   Keep a detailed log of incidents and disciplinary actions.

3.   Lynette Strathman then kept a detailed log of the water measurements for every load.

4.   Regulations in the law require employers to keep detailed logs of when needle injuries occur and how they happen so that researchers can determine ways to prevent future incidents.

5.   The St. Louis Rams keep detailed logs of when every pill is given out.

6.   When Communicator crashes, it generates a detailed log of what happened.

7.   While operators of Web sites typically keep detailed logs of user traffic, there is no generally accepted industry auditing process for that data.

a. + log >>共 248
daily 3.52%
floating 2.86%
fallen 2.42%
old 2.42%
illegal 2.20%
huge 1.98%
oak 1.54%
detailed 1.54%
large 1.54%
big 1.54%
detailed + n. >>共 821
information 8.05%
plan 4.98%
report 3.47%
account 3.36%
description 2.61%
study 2.28%
map 2.16%
analysis 2.10%
proposal 1.90%
explanation 1.90%
log 0.14%
每页显示:    共 7