1.   Detailed guidance notes outlining the conditions which must be met to stay within the new law are being issued to all farmers.

2.   In June, the bishops are due to meet again and are likely to publish more detailed guidance on the new arrangements.

3.   More detailed guidance was given about what should be included under this heading, and a minimum disclosure requirement proposed.

4.   Over the years, courts and tribunals have fought shy of laying down detailed procedural guidance.

5.   Several authoritative sources provide very detailed guidance relative to what constitutes an acceptable accounting method.

6.   The result was detailed guidance and monitoring.

7.   Video Guide, with a full introduction to project work and detailed guidance on how to use the video.

8.   Detailed guidance has been given by the Curriculum Councils for history which will not be repeated here.

9.   But he refrained from giving detailed guidance on how to shape privacy policies in the Internet Age.

10.   But the company did not provide detailed financial guidance for the year ahead.

a. + guidance >>共 275
parental 4.84%
spiritual 4.84%
clear 3.14%
new 2.88%
moral 2.75%
divine 2.49%
detailed 2.36%
specific 2.36%
further 2.09%
additional 1.96%
detailed + n. >>共 821
information 8.05%
plan 4.98%
report 3.47%
account 3.36%
description 2.61%
study 2.28%
map 2.16%
analysis 2.10%
proposal 1.90%
explanation 1.90%
guidance 0.35%
每页显示:    共 18