1.   These final details give him the look of an Old Testament prophet.

2.   Period details have given way to crisp geometric solids.

3.   These details give small gardens a live-in look.

4.   This final detail only gave the account a further credibility problem with most people.

5.   Airport spokesman Wolfgang Schwalm confirmed the talks were underway, but declined to give any details, saying he did not want to speak prematurely.

6.   But did not give details of his role in these deaths, the state news agency EFE said.

7.   Chartier declined to give further details of evidence gathered in Sarajevo or possible charges against the two officers.

8.   Coric said several anonymous phone calls had been received since the blast, but also declined to give any details.

9.   Dayal declined to give details of the e-mail.

10.   Details gave the fun, from ruffled chiffon short skirts under close knit T-shirt tops to cropped lacy knit boleros with fullish crepe pants.

n. + give >>共 1240
government 2.60%
official 2.49%
report 1.96%
company 1.46%
law 1.37%
police 1.14%
doctor 1.00%
deal 0.95%
victory 0.94%
authority 0.92%
detail 0.07%
detail + v. >>共 266
be 64.38%
remain 5.19%
have 4.54%
emerge 3.84%
need 1.24%
come 1.02%
add 0.99%
become 0.62%
include 0.59%
vary 0.59%
give 0.59%
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