1.   But visions of a destination tourist spot with Charlotte County Stadium and the Rangers as the centerpiece did not materialize.

2.   The airline also added several cities to its route system from KCI, popular destination spots such as Las Vegas and Orlando.

3.   The islands of Dominica, Nauru and Antigua are among the biggest destination spots, with laws that make it possible or actively encourage criminals to do business there.

4.   The islands of Dominica, Antigua and Nauru were among the biggest destination spots for such funds.

n. + spot >>共 520
playoff 22.30%
roster 9.49%
wild-card 4.18%
television 4.00%
penalty 3.97%
vacation 3.72%
tourist 3.57%
radio 2.96%
night 2.68%
cleanup 1.49%
destination 0.12%
destination + n. >>共 82
country 9.94%
resort 9.36%
airport 5.26%
point 5.26%
city 4.68%
address 2.92%
area 2.92%
charge 2.92%
information 2.34%
site 2.34%
spot 2.34%
每页显示:    共 4