1.   I was inspired by her optimism in the face of such desperate conditions.

2.   The desperate condition of the world is that madness has always been here, and that it will remain so for all time.

3.   A man in desperate conditions will consent or confess to anything, Wu says.

4.   Advocates for the poor counter that far from being ineffective, welfare has succeeded in helping poor people survive desperate conditions.

5.   Instead, it has only illuminated the desperate conditions and widespread disenchantment that are expected to lead Mexicans to reject the party in record numbers.

6.   Missing their turn could mean another week or two in desperate living conditions.

7.   Most news on the desperate conditions confronting the Afghan people comes from exhausted refugees streaming across the borders.

8.   No matter how desperate conditions are for Amnehe Srour, she says she will always have hope as Hezbollah brings her free drinking water every day.

9.   She was poised and seemed to be coping well with the desperate condition of her people.

10.   Still, U.S. aid workers, while alarmed by the increasingly desperate conditions, say that their long-term plans will eventually help ease famine in the area.

a. + condition >>共 680
critical 9.97%
serious 7.74%
stable 5.91%
good 4.43%
working 3.33%
customary 3.13%
economic 3.12%
living 2.43%
poor 1.99%
medical 1.62%
desperate 0.11%
desperate + n. >>共 694
need 9.46%
attempt 5.42%
measure 3.33%
people 3.01%
situation 2.69%
search 2.66%
effort 2.44%
time 2.37%
bid 2.13%
refugee 1.91%
condition 1.06%
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