1.   She asks the host to describe the theme of the meeting and the desired length of the speech.

2.   First mark the desired length.

3.   It is attached to ropes on each end cut to a desired length.

4.   Pipe sausage into casing and twist at desired length.

5.   Some soaker hoses can be shortened by tying a knot at the desired length.

6.   Trim the ends, then cut the beans into desired lengths.

7.   A polyurethane foam core, known as a blank, is cut and shaped to desired length and thickness.

a. + length >>共 317
great 23.05%
full 6.83%
entire 5.67%
varying 2.93%
extraordinary 2.87%
same 2.80%
average 2.20%
short 1.83%
considerable 1.65%
greater 1.52%
desired 0.49%
desired + n. >>共 328
effect 15.40%
result 9.94%
consistency 4.68%
shape 2.63%
outcome 2.44%
level 2.05%
color 1.66%
direction 1.56%
doneness 1.46%
temperature 1.27%
length 0.78%
每页显示:    共 8