1.   He May also a number of magic weapons and other items as described below.

2.   So let me simply say at the outset that what I describe below are biological, not moral, events.

3.   Surveys of in-house library use are described below.

4.   The main types of services likely to be offered are described below.

5.   The principal river systems and their major tributaries are described below.

6.   The video records of each drive were subsequently analysed to obtain various additional measures described below.

7.   All of the courses at first and second level described below may form the basis of honours degrees in Classical subjects.

v. + below >>共 528
remain 6.96%
list 4.70%
live 4.17%
dip 4.06%
trade 2.71%
lie 2.37%
sell 2.18%
describe 2.11%
perform 1.73%
drop 1.65%
describe + p. >>共 46
as 56.01%
in 24.88%
to 3.38%
above 2.94%
by 2.56%
on 1.67%
with 1.67%
for 1.52%
below 1.35%
at 1.30%
每页显示:    共 56