1.   A dermatologist can prescribe a mild retinoid to be used at night, with an antibiotic gel or cream for the morning.

2.   The dermatologist prescribed a strong cortisone cream, and the rash cleared up within a few weeks.

3.   Your dermatologist can prescribe Retin-A or Renova which, again, over time, resurfaces your skin.

4.   Dermatologists prescribe topical and oral treatments.

n. + prescribe >>共 109
doctor 60.95%
physician 7.24%
law 3.89%
psychiatrist 1.24%
dentist 1.24%
veterinarian 1.06%
drug 1.06%
practitioner 0.88%
dermatologist 0.71%
gynecologist 0.71%
dermatologist + v. >>共 46
say 22.22%
be 8.89%
prescribe 4.44%
recommend 4.44%
use 4.44%
believe 3.33%
tell 3.33%
complain 2.22%
report 2.22%
go 2.22%
每页显示:    共 4